Sarcoma Conference in Boston, MA

A Sarcoma Conference is held weekly allowing for the review and discussion of challenging cases referred for consultation to, or currently being treated by the Center for Sarcoma & Connective Tissue Oncology. This conference assures a multidisciplinary approach to all patients with tumors of the spine, pelvis and extremities. Cases are presented in great detail involving the review of pertinent radiographic studies and pathology specimens, followed by a discussion of diagnosis based treatment options. The conference is held every Thursday at 4:45 pm in the first floor conference room of the Proton Beam Center of the MGH.

To submit a case for review by the Spine Tumor Service, contact or mail case information to:

Francis J. Hornicek, M.D.
Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care 3-B
Massachusetts General Hospital
32 Fruit street
Boston, MA 02114

For more information, please contact:

Francis J. Hornicek, M.D.
Phone: (617) 724-6802

Frank X Pedlow Jr M.D.
Phone: (617) 227-9300 x17
Pager: (617) 726-2066
Fax: (617) 227-3800